Our service has a top-level security, so we do not have to hide our servers behind network firewalls. We always use protected data channels.

We constantly improve our game system according to the customer's requests. The information about all updates is available in the News secton.

We are engaged in implementation of exclusively new technologies that work fast, safely and stably.

We know all the peculiarities of the gambling business and we can exclude any possibilities of fraud by players or operators/cashiers.

We guarantee that you will receive an official reply from our support team within several minutes. A solution of any, even the most complicated problems will take no more than 24 hours (excluding improvement requests).

Improvement requests that are interesting for all clients, are satisfied free of charge within several days.

We can guarantee that even the new Subagents will not incur losses.

The control panel works in any modern browsers including mobile devices.
Billing control panel
Intuitively clear interface for comfortable work as Subagents and Agents.
High work speed due to cutting-edge web technologies.
Monitoring of all operations and the detailed history of game sessions.
An Agent has the possibility to regulate denominations, jackpots and the RTP rate of each club individually.
The mobile version for Agents with the advanced options to control clubs.
Improvements of the control panel upon your request.
The open API to integrate the functionality of our Billing panel into your payment system.
We'll get in touch with you soon